The Safe Unlock project is defined as "safe home delivery of goods and services behind a digital lock". Home health care will sooner or later involve us all, either directly or as relatives. For municipal and private home services, the lock is the first barrier. If a healthcare worker does not enter, or lacks status before entry, critical situations can arise. Safe Unlock Trust Center must verify that the locks are opened automatically, sequentially and that the right person is allowed in.
Together with the research project ioMt, Safe Unlock will examine the scope of possibilities for sustainable technological home health solutions, which will give the health worker an easier everyday life and secure the resident in the home. In the run-up to 2030, the municipalities see major challenges in the face of the wave of elderly people and demands that hospital and institutional care should be moved to private homes. The ioMt project will do a research project on this and Safe Unlock will contribute with the Trust Center platform behind it.
The research projects ioMt and Safe Unlock collaborate on health innovation. Together, we are building the municipal Health Trust Center, which verifies eID, consent and service into the home.
The collaboration with ioMt gives the Safe Unlock project a new leg towards municipal home services, where safe access to the door of the home is the first challenge. The projects work to remove physical keys, open for advanced health sensors and connect the home directly and securely to municipal systems
Access control systems have for many years been able to open doors individually. ioMt – Safe Unlock projects build a digital ecosystem that puts the door in a bigger picture, where the municipality can access the electronic door lock to all residents, who have given their consent, completely independent of the locking system and service providers.
The Trust Center is based on open standards and high security in the development of data exchange to established information systems that the municipality already has. If a person in need of care lives in a condominium or housing association, the home nurse will automatically be guided safely through the main entrance, hallway. and finally into the private door.
"Right person, at the right time, on the right digital device with the right intentions"
Administration and personnel get the status of the door, lock, batteries, sensors - the state of the home, before they leave. Everything must be able to be verified and logged against the Trust Center. No lock codes floating around in the cloud. The municipality gets full control.
The Research Council Pilot-T project Safe Unlock and the RFF Innlandet - Helseinn project ioMt (Internet of My Things) will together focus on the opportunities for sharing and using data and existing technology among service recipients. In both projects, trust and technical barriers to services to and in the home will be identified, and practical solutions will be proposed and tested. Sintef (main project manager in Safe Unlock) and NTNU with Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences (ioMt) will collaborate on the research part, which includes municipal health.
It is agreed that there are large potential common areas in the Digital Ecosystem that is being developed in Safe Unlock, especially with regard to the Trust Center, where the collaboration will focus on municipal home health.
ioMt wants to map the possibilities for home care services to use the service recipient's privately owned electronic door lock, and what it takes for the respective recipient to trust that door codes are treated securely and confidentially by all parties involved. At the same time, it is desirable to find answers to how the service recipient should be able to give and withdraw their consent to data shared between the parties.
Both projects must find solutions that ensure that the citizen actually gives and has given their consent. Common issues around sharing data with the health sector's specialist systems and private players are key topics. There are increasing demands for data sharing across specialist systems to support good and automated work processes.
There will be a special focus on innovative sustainable measures in transport and logistics, such as medicine delivery and clearance of healthcare professionals in close collaboration with municipalities and employee organizations. The right person, at the right time, with the right (good) intentions - into the private or municipal home.
The research collaboration will carry out a practical integration with Safe Unlock Trust Center with API / SDK. Integration will be carried out with Safe4 SDK and the Keyfree platform, on which pilot customers and services are placed.
Today's health situation requires that people with treatment and follow-up needs return to their homes more quickly or stay longer at home.
The research projects ioMt and Safe Unlock deal with professional digital solutions with a focus on safe home health and welfare technology for managing locks and sensors. Among other things based on Continua.
In the project, we build the services on the Keyfree platform, where door codes are assigned to healthcare personnel for safe access to the home, without physical keys. A digital Health Trust Center ensures that the municipality has full control over both employees and housing. In an emergency situation, an alarm center can be included in the concept.
Healthcare personnel are actively guided into the home and access codes are assigned from the main entrance door to the staircase, in housing associations and condominiums.
The Safe Unlock project develops a Trust Center for verification of eID, consent and service with SDK (integration) to a central health platform for access control, lock codes, and sensors with a complete Access Management concept for secure controlled access all the way into the home.
When goods and services are to enter a private home, high demands are placed on secure access control and verification of the person entering. That is why we use the metaphor "right person at the right time, with the right (good) intentions".
With the health platform and associated App, couriers, craftsmen, healthcare personnel and other service providers will be checked and verified against a Trust Center. Unique ID check, a bit like BankID. Tracking of incidents is also part of this process, which will be interesting for healthcare companies, insurance companies and municipalities.
At the same time, the home owner and family have unique access codes that can give outsiders temporary, time-limited and zoned access. Secure one-time codes or commands are generated for opening and closing locks. The Trust Center verifies that consent for opening has been given and that the door has been closed again. Everyone can register in the Trust Center, where the resident approves access and the supplier of goods and services becomes authorized access.
Many of the healthcare services of the future will take place in your own home, which will require secure access control, registration of events and verification of identity in digital coordination with public and municipal bodies.
In home health, we collaborate with the research project - ioMt (NTNU, HelseInn, Ikomm and Eidsiva) to develop a municipal Health Trust Center with practical project implementation with Lillehammer Municipality. The project's Trust Center includes objective, neutral and secure verification of the ecosystem to and in the home, as well as logging of events.
A. eID verification of healthcare personnel, residents, patients and other service providers in line with EIDAS2.0 (GDPR). "Right person at the right time, with the right (good) intentions."
B. Consent verification. Verified and secured consent between the parties involved in an access situation. Ensure that a patient at home has given consent to the municipality or next of kin to open the lock to the home. "Declaration of consent has been given and who the parties are."
C. Service verification of delivery and delivery data such as geolocation, address, telephone etc. "Right service delivery, in the right place."
Trust Center does not include content in a service or agreement text. Only verified or not. Signicat is an adviser in the project and is known as the founder of BankID. They provide services such as Buypas and other digital identity and signature solutions.
In the Trust Center, delivery data such as geolocation, address, telephone etc. is verified. In home health, consent regarding access and activation of the lock in the private home is a high priority. Together with the ioMt project, Safe Unlock is building a "prototype" for a municipal Home Health Trust Center, with integration with municipal personnel and health records systems.
Norwegian Smart Care Cluster works for sustainable health solutions for the future. The organization operates as a national and international collaboration arena for large and small companies, municipalities, hospitals, public actors, user organizations, academia/R&D institutions and investors. Today, the organization has more than 290 members and partners from all over the country.
Safe4, which develops the digital platform used in the Safe Unlock project, takes an active part in the development of home health technology with innovative membership in NSCC. Safe4 works closely with the ioMt project by putting the solutions into practice.
The Safe Unlock project may seem complex. Below you will find outlines of the Safe Unlock ecosystem, both in general and for services such as the health service.
Safe Unlock is a 3-year research project that will develop and evaluate a digital ecosystem for the delivery of goods and services. The ecosystem will promote simple, efficient and secure delivery logistics to private homes.
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