The platform

The platform of
Safe Unlock

The Safe Unlock platform is developed by Safe4 Security Group, where the focus is to ensure interaction in the value chain

Digital ecosystem

Safe Unlock is an independent service designed to exchange identity and authorization between a home and a service provider. This may be a delivery person, a healthcare professional or a craftsman, who wants access to a home to deliver a parcel behind a digital door lock or into a home box or to deliver a service inside your home.

The Safe Unlock platform is the hub/link between suppliers on the one hand and lock/box platforms on the other. In the project, we will offer consumers access to this service through the companies Keyfree , Stansefabrikken Home and PostLogi . Each of these offers its own end-user applications to interact with the Safe Unlock service. Early in 2022, all other 3rd party players who want to communicate with the Safe Unlock service will also be invited in with APIs (interfaces) to their own platforms for managing digital lock products.

The main task for Safe Unlock as a service is to maintain the communication interface with the service providers. Major players will use their own back-end systems with integrated Safe Unlock service directly in their apps. For smaller service providers the "Safe Unlock Agent App" will be available.



The solution will be offered in the international market across borders where centralized global management replaces travel and transport.  

This compares with the exponential growth in video conferencing in recent years. 

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How it works