Contact persons for the project

Geir Mørk
Project Manager for Digital ecosystem
geir mork
Safe4 Security Group AS
Senior IoT Advisor
+47 46624129
Solveig Meland
Main Project Manager
MelandSolveig 7032
Senior Research Scientist
Andrea Birkheim
Media manager
Andrea Birkheim
Safe4 Security Group AS
Digital content producer
Trond Bergstuen
Steering Group Member
TrondBergstuen photo
Stansefabrikken Home AS
+47 458 87 080
Styrk Opheim
Postlogi AS
Postlogi AS, General Manager
+47 91866569
Tore Henneli
Postlogi AS
Postlogi AS, Technical Manager
+47 92263146

The contact persons mentioned above act as the primary contact persons for the media, authorities and other interested parties.
During the project, several contact persons might appear here.